Author Archives: adamturner

MIT Department of Biology: 7.02 Experimental Biology and Communication « Systems of Praxis

Soft and hard skills should be learned together like this:


Application of experimental techniques in microbiology, biochemistry, and cell and developmental biology. Emphasizes integrating factual knowledge with understanding the design of experiments and data analysis to prepare students for research projects.

Development of skills critical for writing about scientific findings in modern biology. Instruction and practice in written communication provided.

via MIT Department of Biology: 7.02 Experimental Biology and Communication.

Plagiarism Checker – the most accurate and absolutely FREE! Try now!

In this technological age, a plagiarism checker is essential for protecting your written work. A plagiarism checker benefits teachers, students, website owners, and anyone else interested in protecting their writing. Our service guarantees that anything you write can be thoroughly checked by our plagiarism software to ensure that your texts are unique.

via Plagiarism Checker – the most accurate and absolutely FREE! Try now!.

Quick Tip Friday: How to Share a Single Note | Evernote Blogcast

There are a few different ways you can share single notes from your Evernote account: you can post them to your social networks, email them, or copy a public link to a note that you can send any way you like.When you share a note with your social network and via a public link, you’ll notice that it’s presented in a beautiful new Web format thanks to a recent redesign.

via Quick Tip Friday: How to Share a Single Note | Evernote Blogcast.

About Fusion Tables – Fusion Tables Help

Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables.Visualize bigger table data online Filter and summarize across hundreds of thousands of rows. Then try a chart, map, network graph, or custom layout and embed or share it. Collaborate! All your data organization is automatically saved and stored in Google Drive.

via About Fusion Tables – Fusion Tables Help.