Author Archives: adamturner

ReadCube for Researchers

PDF viewing and platform tool for researchers.

Go Beyond the PDF. A revolutionary way to read the article Optimized PDF viewing Supplements and related materials Clickable inline references Full Reference List Figure Browser 1-click author searches Related articles Inline notes and highlighting tools Full Screen Viewer Customizable interface

Source: ReadCube for Researchers

Bloom’s taxonomy: a useful guide to reflect on both teaching and learning


Bloom’s revised taxonomy is one of the most useful tools I know to help instructors improve assignments and sequence learning activities.

It can also be used by students to reflect on their level of learning of a topic. Unfortunately, they will often be tested only at the level of remembering.

Turnitin – Adding Quickmark Comments

This seems entirely unnecessary as you can do the same with easily memorized codes using software such as Breevy.

To add a QuickMark editing mark to a paper, simply click on the QuickMark comment in the sidebar and drag it onto the desired location on the paper.

To select the active QuickMark set for the QuickMark sidebar:

Click on the QuickMark Manager icon

The active set has the circle next to its name filled in with blue. Click on the name of the set to add to the sidebar

Click the “Make this the active set” link in the far right column

Close the library by clicking on the “Close” link in the bottom right corner of the QuickMark Manager. The QuickMark comments within the active QuickMark set will now be displayed in the QuickMark sidebar

To change the active QuickMark set without opening the QuickMark Manager, click on the QuickMark set list icon to the left of the active set name and select the set to use to mark up the paper.

To add a QuickMark editing mark to a paper:

If the QuickMark sidebar is not open, Click on the “QuickMark” button below the sidebar

Click the QuickMark comment to add it to the center of the paper or click and drag the comment to the desired location on the paper. Hovering over a QuickMark will display the description of the mark in the blue tinted area below the QuickMark sidebar

To associate a highlight with a QuickMark comment, select the text on the paper and then click on the QuickMark comment on the sidebar

The QuickMark comment will automatically be placed at the end of the highlight

(Optional) Instructors can add additional comments to a QuickMark, change the color of the highlight, or associate a QuickMark comment with a rubric criterion by clicking on the “Edit” button while hovering over a QuickMark comment

(Optional) Enter the additional comment in the Additional Commentstext box, (if applicable) select a rubric criterion to associate the QuickMark comment with from the Associate a criterion drop down menu, or (if applicable) select a different color for the highlight.

Then click “Save” to add the additional comment to the QuickMark, associate the mark with a rubric criterion or apply the new highlight color

Creating QuickMark Comments

Instructors can create their own QuickMark comments in the QuickMark Manager or transform a regular comment on a paper into a QuickMark. This allows instructors to create class or curriculum specific marks that may not be part of the sets provided by Turnitin or the account administrator.

To create a new QuickMark from a regular comment made to a paper:

Click on the “Comment” button on the side bar or click anywhere on the paper to add a comment to the paper

Enter the comment description within the text field

Click on the “Save as new QuickMark” link

Enter a title for the QuickMark. This title will be displayed on the paper.

Select a set to add this QuickMark to by clicking on the drop down menu below “Add to set:”

via Turnitin – Adding Quickmark Comments.

Presentation Zen: Can and should scientists become great presenters?

I recommned you take the time to watch this entire presentation by Dr. Doumont, which was delivered at Stanford Universitys Clark Center on April 12, 2012. In this talk he explains why scientists are often perceived as being poor communicators, and he discusses the challenges of communicating with lay audiences.

via Presentation Zen: Can and should scientists become great presenters?

Scopus author ID: Good idea for Korean authors with different English name formats

Send Scopus Author details and publication list to ORCIDYour publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles, because these are generated automatically.In order to create a single profile containing the correct publications, please follow the steps in this wizard.On completion, any changes will also be sent as corrections to Scopus.ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID seeks to remedy the systemic name ambiguity problems seen in scholarly research by assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individuals research output. If you have not yet created an ORCID profile, you will be able to do so during the process that follows; alternatively, you can register first at and then import your works from your profile page.

via Scopus2Orcid – Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile..