Category Archives: Computer-assisted writing

ReadCube for Researchers

PDF viewing and platform tool for researchers.

Go Beyond the PDF. A revolutionary way to read the article Optimized PDF viewing Supplements and related materials Clickable inline references Full Reference List Figure Browser 1-click author searches Related articles Inline notes and highlighting tools Full Screen Viewer Customizable interface

Source: ReadCube for Researchers

Scopus author ID: Good idea for Korean authors with different English name formats

Send Scopus Author details and publication list to ORCIDYour publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles, because these are generated automatically.In order to create a single profile containing the correct publications, please follow the steps in this wizard.On completion, any changes will also be sent as corrections to Scopus.ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID seeks to remedy the systemic name ambiguity problems seen in scholarly research by assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individuals research output. If you have not yet created an ORCID profile, you will be able to do so during the process that follows; alternatively, you can register first at and then import your works from your profile page.

via Scopus2Orcid – Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile..

Plagiarism Checker – the most accurate and absolutely FREE! Try now!

In this technological age, a plagiarism checker is essential for protecting your written work. A plagiarism checker benefits teachers, students, website owners, and anyone else interested in protecting their writing. Our service guarantees that anything you write can be thoroughly checked by our plagiarism software to ensure that your texts are unique.

via Plagiarism Checker – the most accurate and absolutely FREE! Try now!.

Quick Tip Friday: How to Share a Single Note | Evernote Blogcast

There are a few different ways you can share single notes from your Evernote account: you can post them to your social networks, email them, or copy a public link to a note that you can send any way you like.When you share a note with your social network and via a public link, you’ll notice that it’s presented in a beautiful new Web format thanks to a recent redesign.

via Quick Tip Friday: How to Share a Single Note | Evernote Blogcast.

Using a thesaurus to build vocab and improve paraphrase What is shift f7

Shift F7, or more correctly written SHIFT+F7, is a shortcut key in Microsoft Word to open the built in Thesaurus. If you happen to have a word highlighted or simply have the cursor within a word then when the thesaurus is opened, it will automatically display all the synonyms for that word.

via What is shift f7.

Literature and Latte – Scrivener windows version available now

Writing a novel, research paper, script or any long-form text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Collecting research, ordering fragmented ideas, shuffling index cards in search of that elusive structure—most writing software is fired up only after much of the hard work is over. Enter Scrivener: a word processor and project management tool that stays with you from that first, unformed idea all the way through to the final draft. Outline and structure your ideas, take notes, view research alongside your writing and compose the constituent pieces of your text in isolation or in context. Scrivener won’t tell you how to write—it just makes all the tools you have scattered around your desk available in one application.

via Literature and Latte – Scrivener.