Category Archives: presentation skills

Presentation Zen: Can and should scientists become great presenters?

I recommned you take the time to watch this entire presentation by Dr. Doumont, which was delivered at Stanford Universitys Clark Center on April 12, 2012. In this talk he explains why scientists are often perceived as being poor communicators, and he discusses the challenges of communicating with lay audiences.

via Presentation Zen: Can and should scientists become great presenters?

Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation – How to Pronounce English words

Useful when preparing presentations. My students have difficulty with words like definite.

When your entry appears in pink, mouse over to hear it pronounced.Create lists of up to 15 entries like this: cat;cart;cut;caught etc.There are currently 160381 entries in the dictionary.

via Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation – How to Pronounce English words.


10 tips on how to give an academic talk

The audience determines the talk.

Practice almost makes perfect.

Nervous energy is exploitable.

Every talk should motivate a problem.

An academic talk is about an idea, not a paper.

Slides must not overwhelm the viewer.

Images and diagrams are better than text.

Math’s benefit must outweigh the loss of attention.

Style matters.

Questions are not random.

via 10 tips on how to give an academic talk.

Daily chart | The Economist

About Daily chart

On this blog we publish a new chart or map every working day, highlight our interactive-data features and provide links to interesting sources of data around the web. The Big Mac index, house-price index and other regular features can be found on our Markets & data page

via Daily chart | The Economist.

Good tips for presentations skills. Sticking to ten slides would depend on the topic but the less slides the better generally.