Category Archives: Research methods

Scopus author ID: Good idea for Korean authors with different English name formats

Send Scopus Author details and publication list to ORCIDYour publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles, because these are generated automatically.In order to create a single profile containing the correct publications, please follow the steps in this wizard.On completion, any changes will also be sent as corrections to Scopus.ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID seeks to remedy the systemic name ambiguity problems seen in scholarly research by assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individuals research output. If you have not yet created an ORCID profile, you will be able to do so during the process that follows; alternatively, you can register first at and then import your works from your profile page.

via Scopus2Orcid – Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile..

digitalresearchtools / FrontPage

Digital Research Tools DiRT This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars particularly in the humanities and social sciences conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you’re looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool’s features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.

via digitalresearchtools / FrontPage.

Taylor & Francis Author Services – Resources for authors

Publishing papers in academic journals is becoming increasingly important for all academics, especially those starting their careers. The process of submitting a paper to a journal and understanding the peer review process are both explained in this video podcast. You will also find out how to choose the best journal for your paper, how to prepare the “perfect” manuscript and learn ways in which to improve your chances of publication, including the top ten reasons for rejection.

via Taylor & Francis Author Services – Resources for authors.

NVivo 9 research software for analysis and insight

9’s powerful analysis tools guide you from questions to insights. Organize and analyze your information. Explore and visualize. Justify your findings. Share your work with others.NVivo 9 is software that helps you to work with unstructured information like documents, surveys, audio, video and pictures – so that you can ultimately make better decisions.Whatever your materials, whatever your field, whatever your approach, NVivo provides a workspace to help you at every stage of your project.

via NVivo 9 research software for analysis and insight.

3 Simple Techniques to Optimize Your Reading Comprehension and Retention

Set a Purpose by Asking “Why?” and “What?”

In 10 Days to Faster Reading, Abby Marks-Beale (of the Princeton Language Institute) recommends asking two simple questions before picking up any piece of reading material:

WHY am I reading this?

WHAT might I need this information for?

These questions are immensely important for two reasons:

First, asking why you’re choosing to read a particular piece of material helps determine your purpose: what you ultimately want to accomplish by spending your time reading. Setting your purpose is the best way to factor in the opportunity cost of your time and attention… if you don’t believe what you’re about to read will be useful, you can choose to do something different.

Second, asking why you might need this information primes your brain to make connections between what you’re reading and what you want to achieve. Our minds work primarily via pattern recognition – by reminding yourself of your areas of responsibility before you read, you’ll make many more connections than you would otherwise. (Be sure to keep a notebook and pen close at hand to capture your thoughts and ideas without breaking the flow of your reading.)

via 3 Simple Techniques to Optimize Your Reading Comprehension and Retention.

Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool – Education Series « Evernote Blogcast

The first step in any research project is, well, the research. This means gathering all of the preliminary information you’ll need to start the writing process. If you’re gathering information using word processing documents, or on paper, things quickly get messy. With Evernote, all quotes, statistics and reference material pages are in one place, easily accessible and searchable by keywords, notebooks and tags. This is especially helpful when information could be coming from all sorts of places – the Web, handwritten notes, typed notes, and even photographs.Here’s an example of a way to organize your research:Make a notebook for every project for example: “Civil War Thesis”. Then add tags like “sources,” “quotes,” “data” and “important events,” so you can quickly sort through your research at any time. The simplicity of search in a centralized system is one of the biggest benefits of Evernote for research purposes.

via Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool – Education Series « Evernote Blogcast.

The Renaissance man: how to become a scientist over and over again | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

It is easy to understand why. Aiden is a scientist, yes, but while most of his peers stay within a specific field – say, neuroscience or genetics – Aiden crosses them with almost casual abandon. His research has taken him across molecular biology, linguistics, physics, engineering and mathematics. He was the man behind last year’s “culturomics” study, where he looked at the evolution of human culture through the lens of four per cent of all the books ever published. Before that, he solved the three-dimensional structure of the human genome, studied the mathematics of verbs, and invented an insole called the iShoe that can diagnose balance problems in elderly people. “I guess I just view myself as a scientist,” he says.

His approach stands in stark contrast to the standard scientific career: find an area of interest and become increasingly knowledgeable about it. Instead of branching out from a central speciality, Aiden is interested in ‘interdisciplinary’ problems that cross the boundaries of different disciplines. His approach is nomadic. He moves about, searching for ideas that will pique his curiosity, extend his horizons, and hopefully make a big impact. “I don’t view myself as a practitioner of a particular skill or method,” he tells me. “I’m constantly looking at what’s the most interesting problem that I could possibly work on. I really try to figure out what sort of scientist I need to be in order to solve the problem I’m interested in solving.”

via The Renaissance man: how to become a scientist over and over again | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine.